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After talking with business leaders and consultees for 30 years, Lee Hersch and I decided to convey our critical psychological consulting messages in a book. We view The People Side of Business as an essential guide to understanding how people function in the workplace. Our ideas are organized into six key psychological principles to provide a framework for leading and managing.



The People Side of Business tracks the progress of a new CEO, Charlie Fisher, who takes charge of a business, encounters people problems that are undermining its growth, and sets the company on a more productive course. Along the way he learns and masters the six principles.

The book is an engaging story that will have you guessing about the personalities and activities of Charlie’s leadership team. The book has won acclaim from business people, consultants, psychologists, and hospital managers.





The Third Domain of Organizational Excellence: The People Side of Business

Thomas J. DeMaio, PhD and Lee E. Hersch, PhD, 2012







Hersch and DeMaio have integrated a great deal of contemporary neuroscience and pragmatic leadership theory.


Alexander B. Horniman

Killgallon Ohio Art Professor of Business Administration

A "must read" for business leaders who desire to maximize long-term business performance. 


James Quarforth

Retired Chairman and CEO NTELOS Holding Corporation

DeMaio and Hersch are clearly onto something with their concept of a "third domain" of organization excellence.


John Pickering

President, Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations

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